Ginger Oil

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Safe On Skin Formulated To Help Reducing Swelling

Get TWO bottles of Plant Therapy Lymphatic Drainage Ginger Oil. This is a great natural solution for lymphatic drainage, edema, spider veins and varicose veins  


Massage oil 1-2 times daily for lymphatic drainage, focusing on areas around neck, knees, and armpits if necessary.

Apply after a warm bath is recommended.


  • Volume: 30ml
  • For external use only (this is not for drinking)

Extracted from ginger root, ginger oil benefits you by relieving swelling & pain by its warming and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Reduces swelling from lymphedema
  • Unblocks clogged lymph nodes, which help with immunity
  • Decreases swollen glands after surgery or injury and inflammation
  • Reduces adipose tissues & fat cells
  • Stimulates expulsion of waste products & toxins


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Ingredients: ginger extract, mineral oil, grape seed oil


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